Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Hot Guys: The Myth

This subject has bothered me for a while. No I don't fancy Orlando Bloom, or that guy who played Alfie in the new one, or fucking Heath Ledger. Ok he was cool, but only in 10 Things I Hate About You when he was hairy and smelly looking.

Girls don't like guys who are prettier than them. Nor ones who spend more time on their eyeliner. And what is with pecs and abs? You look funny and I'm bored. I hate Katy Perry but you have to admit the song Ur So Gay is kind of intuitive.


That's why it was pretty fun to come across the Rad Dudes website. Described as "a blog that exists to document the phenomenon of guys just doing their thing and being proud of it", it's a good source of 'ha ha cool guy' material. Without further ado:

Test yourself!

Who would you want to save you from a burning building, Legolas or Aragorn?

If you chose Legolas: he is a woman - you are dead. You can't kill fire with arrows and pixie dances. Plus he was probably scared he would singe his hair so I doubt he even showed up.

If you chose Aragorn: good choice, this says a lot about your character - continue with your life.

Thursday, 25 June 2009

H&M ... zine ?

Mailing lists keep us in the know. Admittedly about things like what kind of hats different shops are selling, but recently the H&M fashion features have surprised me. Like Zara, they have a cod shit website but have started featuring a style guide as well as city guide videos. Sort of like a mini magazine telling you the coolest things for sale at H&M at the moment. I like it so much I've actually wanted to keep it a secret, but no, here's to sharing the wealth. Hear, hear!

Two pages from the female section of the current style guide.

A couple pages from H&M magazine (actually pretty good)

My favourite part of the Barcelona nightlife video

Now upgrade so we can buy this stuff online. You too Zara. Don't make me tell you again.

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Parrot Pictures

Hey look another blog post without any substance at all! At least it's pretty.

Thanks to this blog I can now validly, if vicariously, say that I ♥ NY.


Tuesday, 16 June 2009


My eyes are watering.


Too much?

Crazy love her make-up and THAT COLOUR!

Okay enough MKA now. I'll stop, really.

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Oh The Olsen

(A pick of my favs; Olsens Anonymous, In the Olsens Closet)

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Floral vs ...

LOVE the Topshop florals ...

Saturday, 6 June 2009

Dear World

In no particular order,

my top 10 joys in life.



Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Golden' Eye ...

Trying out a look to accompany that dress (below). I was going for "classic" with a kick, hence the gold. I might end up toning the gold down a bit, as the lip is pretty strong by itself ...

Also this tutorial is AWESOME. I like their YouTube channel (Pixiwoo), definatly worth looking at if you're at all interested in make-up; very professional yet very accessible, fun and great inspiration.